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The idea comes from 4 students in their 2nd year of occupational therapy at HELB Ilya Prigogine: Joé DE THAEY, Maëva BUTA, Ema LEMARCHAND and Céline SPINEUX.

As part of their training and a project management course, they wanted to promote their future profession in an original and innovative way.

Cléon ANGELO and Bénédicte GASTOUT were tempted by the project to create a new collection linked to the profession of occupational therapist. Thus R'Go was born!

The ambition of these works is to present this unknown profession to the general public through a dual artistic perspective on the profession of occupational therapist: that of the future practitioners and that of the beneficiaries.

We offer our books free of charge. The only cost for their purchase is the administrative cost of 15€ (including postage*, routing, invoicing, ...).

Modifié le  02.02.2022