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Training in February: Telework and mental health

Due to the health crisis, teleworking has almost become the norm. However, this new way of working is not without consequences for our mental health.

Bruxelles Formation offers a training course that gives you the techniques to regain control of the situation and reduce your fatigue and/or stress levels.

What does the course offer?

The first assignment will teach you to become aware of your stress level and identify the influence of teleworking on your emotions.

You will then learn techniques to manage your stress and fatigue and to adopt a good attitude at work (including at a distance).

What is the methodology?

You are given serial points to apply in real situations, as well as reflections. These exercises are done individually or in groups.

The training is based on interactivity, the contribution of each participant enriches the training.

Practical information:

  • This is an online course
  • The course costs 180€/pers
  • The training will take place on 15 February 2022

For more information, please visit this website.